Rules, Regulations and Code of Conduct
- The Northeast Clown Institute (hereinafter referred to as "NCI") is open to everyone aged 12 and older.
- All registrants under the age of majority (currently 18 years of age), MUST be accompanied by an adult that is responsible for them, including their class participation and any purchases they may make with the vendors participating at the Institute.
- All registrants must be confirmed as having paid the full registration fee in order to receive credit and earn points for their participation in class attendance, competitions and any other activity for which points can be earned.
- Anyone attending any classes who is not properly registered, will not receive credit for any classes they might attend, however, family members and those traveling with registrants will be allowed to audit a class should there be room for them in the classroom, as registered participants have priority for purposes of participation and seating.
- Anyone, whether or not a registrant, will be allowed to enter and make purchases from the vendors in the vendor room at the discretion of the participating vendors.
- NCI arranges for registrants to make hotel reservations, however, all such transactions are between the Hotel and the participant. NCI, through their Housing Committee, acts as a liaison between the attendees and the Hotel, but is not liable for any issues arising out the attendees' stay at the Hotel.
- NCI arranges for vendors to attend the Institute and sell their products and services. NCI does not warrant any of the products or services purchased or obtained from these vendors. Any such issues are between the individual vendor and the purchaser.
- All attendees are expected to maintain a certain degree of decorum such that they do not break any Hotel or NCI rules and do not abuse, denigrate or tease other participants or Hotel guests and do not disrupt classes or other NCI or Hotel activities nor damage NCI or Hotel property, for which damage the participant shall be personally liable.
- Any issues that arise during the NCI must be reported during the duration of the Institute in order that it might be properly investigated and addressed. They should be reported to the President or Dean or their designee, or any member of the Board. The Board Member will then be responsible for informing the President or Dean of any incident reported to them. All decisions of the President or Dean shall be final.
- Any participant found to have been in violation of Rule 8 above may be asked to leave NCI prior to the conclusion of the Institute and shall not be entitled to a refund of their registration fee or any portion thereof.
- NCI is only responsible for their classes, competitions and any formal and informal events organized and sanctioned by NCI outside of scheduled classroom and competition activities. They are not responsible for any unsanctioned events occurring between participants that take place on an ad hoc basis, such as impromptu evening gatherings.
- Students earn points ultimately resulting in their earning credit towards the Craftsman Clown and Master Clown Awards.
- The Craftsman Clown Award requires the earning of 26 credits in addition to attending three full years at the Institute.
- The Master Clown Award requires the earning of 52 credits. The Master Clown Award will not be awarded in the same year as the Craftsman Clown Award, regardless of the number of points earned.
- Currently, once the Master Clown Award is achieved, NCI awards no further points.
- Points are awarded as follows:
- 6 credits per year for the first three years attending NCI.
- 1 credit per year from the fourth year attending NCI until the Master Clown Award is achieved;
- 6 credits for first place in any competition.
- 4 credits for second place in any competition. e. 2 credits for third place in any competition;
- 1 credit for fourth and fifth place in the make up & costume competitions if there are ten or more participants.
- Comparable points will be awarded for competition placements in any I.S.C.A., W.C.A. and C.A.O.I. competitions.
- 1 credit for each I.S.C.A. Red Nose Award achieved, up to a total of 6 credits.
- 3 credits for completion of the NCI Certified Judging Class;
- 3 credits for completion of the NCI Instructor Class;
- 2 credits per year for participating as an Instructor, regardless of the number of classes taught;
- 2 credits per year for critiquing participants in makeup and costume.
- 2 credits per year for acting as a mentor in the first-year student Make Up With Mentors class.
- 1 credit for entertaining at the Pool Party utilizing skills learned in classes.
- Any points earned through I.S.C.A.,W.C.A. and C.A.O.I. must be reported to the NCI Secretary within 60 days of being earned, they will be verified and then added to the registrants transcript. Any points earned after the first day of September, prior to the upcoming Institute, shall be applied towards the next year's awards due to time constraints in preparing for the imminent NCI session.
- Competitions are open to all registered participants from second year students and above, subject to Rule 20 below.
- First year students who have been clowning for several years prior to attending the NCI may apply to the President and request a waiver of some first-year courses or competitions based on their personal experience.
- Current NCI Officers and Board members may not enter any of the competitions.
- As long as there is at least one registrant, that competition shall take place.
- All competitions shall be conducted and judged in conformance with current I.S.C.A. rules, which are available online.
- Anyone, whether or not a registrant, will be allowed to observe all competitions as long as there are seats to accommodate them. If there is limited seating, registrants will be given priority.
- Attendees are allowed to take the N.C.I. Certified Judging Class and the N.C.I. Instructor classes more than once, however, credit will only be awarded for the first time the classes are taken and they will only receive one certificate and patch for the first time the N.C.I. Certified Judging Class is completed.
The Northeast Clown Institute is a place of learning and sharing of the traditions of clowning. We believe that the goal of clowning is trifold, using respect to personal boundaries and being mindful of personal sensitivities. We expect our students will bring to their audiences the following:
A momentary escape from their difficulties
A positive experience bringing happiness, contentment and joy Smiles |
Regarding the current phenomenon of creepy, eerie, frightening, hideous, sinister. spooky, terrifying clowns, NCI does not teach, condone, encourage or tolerate this. NCI has no classes on this type of makeup, costume or performance, nor does NCI endorse this form of entertainment. We promote traditional clown personalities, namely whiteface, auguste, hobo, tramp, and character clowns in our curriculum.